The Difference between web2 & web3

My first ever hashnode!!!! I'm scared my writing may be cr*p but bear with me! Going to do a quick shallow dive of web2.....web3 and all the things we hear about this recent craze and try to drop it down to the basics and see the difference.

Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 refer to successive iterations of the web, compared with the original Web 1.0 of the 1990s and early 2000s. Web 2.0 is the current version of the Internet (a term often used interchangeably with the web) with which we are all familiar, while Web 3.0 represents its supposed "next phase". Let's see what it's all about!

Web2 refers to the version of the internet most of us know today. An internet dominated by companies that provide services in exchange for your personal data. A much more dynamic version of the web we have today! The way we share and deliver information has been transformed with Web2 components like blogs, wikis and social media platforms. Take Facebook or Twitter as examples: users can not only read information, they can also share thoughts, perspectives and opinions by liking, sharing, tagging, tweeting etc. Undoubtedly, there is a dependency on “Big Tech” companies to provide the infrastructure and services we need – a reliance Web3 hopes to remove.

The future, and a more intelligent, autonomous and open version of the Internet. Computers will be able to interpret information in a way that is more similar to humans, and by using technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), users will be given more personalized content and experiences.

Some differences around them include:

  • Personalization: With Web3, the Internet experience would become more customized to the user – more efficient search, relevant marketing, better communication and increased information linking.
    Ownership of information, data and digital assets aim to be drawn more to the original author: "the USER". Using blockchain technology, Web3 aims to displace tech giants by handing complete ownership of data back to the users. Currently, Big Tech companies like Facebook and Amazon store your data and personal information, mostly to improve their target marketing. However, many have raised privacy concerns over such one-sided data governance and see Web3 as a solution.

  • Secure peer-to-peer (P2P) network: Web3 gives users the ability to connect, transact and share data privately and without relying on a third party. With Web2, every time you interact with the internet, copies of your data get sent to the data servers, and you no longer own it exclusively. P2P can be explained as a group of computers that are linked together with equal permissions and responsibilities for processing data – there is no centralized server. Huobi uses P2P technology – the management of transactions and the issuing of tokens is carried out by the network rather than a central authority or bank.

  • Permissionless: Another way in which Web3 provides a more democratic system is that there are no restrictions on who can be part of the network – neither users nor suppliers will require authorization from a governing body in order to participate. Services are available to everyone, and individuals can influence the networks based on the value they provide. You can be an investor, developer, or marketer and help the network succeed with your unique skills and output. You may even be rewarded by receiving a share of the total token supply. 

Big ups to the Zuri team for the introduction of the "General-Blockchain-Course" that's spurring us with all this knowledge! Going to highlight their sites as an acknowledgement for all their work: